Dr. T. Charan Singh
Head of the Department
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Dr. T. Charan Singh he obtained his B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from JNTU, Hyderabad in 2001. He obtained M.Tech in Energy Systems in 2006 from JNTU college engineering Hyderabad and completed Ph.D in 2020 at JNTU, Hyderabad. He has teaching experience of 15 years and guided more than 35 UG projects and 15 PG projects. He has 14 International Journal publications to his credit. And his areas of interest include 6-Phase Transmission System, Power Systems stability, FACTS and Smart Grid.
(9th – 15th February, 2015)
The department regularly organizes guest lectures by the experts on advanced topics to bring awareness among the students on the latest trends in the technologies.
The guest lecturers are drawn from the industry like BHEL R&D, KTPS. TSTRANSCO, TSNPDCL and reputed academic institutions like NIT, OU, JNTU, etc.
Till now the Department has organized guest lectures on the following topics :
Electromagnetic Fields
Power Electronics
Control Systems
Power Systems
High Voltage Engineering
Power System operation & Control
Neural Networks
For 2019-20 academic year:
Organized guest class on Power System Analysis by Associate Professor, Dr. K. Bhaskar, JNTU, Hyderabad.
For 2015-16 academic year:
Organized guest class on Power System operation & Control by Professor D.M.Vinod Kumar, NIT, Warangal.
Organized a seminar and workshop on Power plants by Mr. B. Raju, ADE, KTPS .
Organized guest class on by Mr. Mr.Anjit Kumar Assoc. Professor, B.V.R.I.T Engineering College, Hyderabad.
For 2014-15 academic year:
Organized guest class on High Voltage Engineeringby Mr. K.Kumar, Assistant Engineer, TSTRANSCO.
Ph.D awarded
Associate Professor & HOD , Department of EEE, Mr.T.Charan Singh awarded Ph.D by J.N.T.U Hyderabad during the academic year of 2019-2020.
Faculty Achievement
Four faculty members of EEE Department T.Charan Singh, Y.Kiran,A.Swetha,Prabhakara Suri are selected for admission in P.h.D at J.N.T.U Hyderabad during the academic year of 2011-2012.
Mrs. Md.Ayesha sultana Faculty of EEE Dept is Appointed as Assistant Engineer in irrigation department , Government of Andhra Pradesh during the academic year 2012-2013
Prabakara suri Faculty of EEE Dept is Appointed as Administrative officer in oriental insurance company during the academic year 2013-2014.
Mr.M. Maheswara rao Faculty of EEE Dept is Appointed as Assistant Engineer in KTPS, TSGENCO, Government of Telangana during the academic year 2015-2016.
Mr.Y.Santhosh Kumar Yata faculty member of EEE Department selected for admission in Ph.D at SSSUTMS, Bhopal during the academic year 2016-2017.
Program Outcomes
PO1 : An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
PO2 : An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
PO3 : An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
PO4 : An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
PO5 : An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
PO6 : An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
PO7: An ability to communicate effectively.
PO8 : The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
PO9 : A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
PO10 : A knowledge of contemporary issues.
PO11 : An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
Program Specific Outcomes
PSO1 : Apply fundamental knowledge to identify, formulate, design and investigate various problems of electrical and electronics circuits, power electronics and power systems.
PSO2 : Apply modern software tools for design, simulation and analysis of electrical systems by using latest engineering tools like MATLAB, Simulink, PSPICE, PLC etc
PSO3 : Slove ethically and professionally various Electrical Engineering problems in social and environmental context and communicate effectively
PSO4 : Apply project management techniques to complex engineering problems
About Department
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering was established in the year 2003 with an intake of 60 and In addition, the Department is offering a PG programme in Power Electronics specialization with an intake of 18 and Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering with an intake of 60 and an increase in intake (18 to 24) in existing PG programme from 2012-2013 onwards. The Department is planning to add few more P.G. programmers in the years to come.
The Department has an outstanding academic performance by Mr. K.S.S.V. Keshav of 2008-12 batch stood First among 310 engineering colleges of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTUH) with 90.86%. Department has been instrumental in organizing workshops, symposia, seminars at regular intervals. Experts from industry and institutions of repute like Power Grid, BHEL, NIT, JNTU, OU, etc. have been invited to the department.
Department has been successful in realizing the vision & mission of the institution and going a head to achieve the targets in terms of research & development. We are proud to say that the department has highest number of international publications by both faculty and students. The faculty is fully utilizing the facilities available within the department by motivating the students of both post-graduate and under-graduate level towards research. The major areas of research include energy efficiency, effective utilization of Non Conventional Energy sources, modern power electronic drives and to improve power system reliability. The student research projects in the areas of drives and power transmission have been communicated to the International Journals of repute. Nearly 300 students of our Department placed in MNC’s across the length & breadth of our Country.
Department has all the infrastructural facilities and faculty as per the requirements. Experienced faculty in both teaching and research is the special feature of the department. The Department Headed by the Dr. T. Charan Singh having 15 years of experience.
The department is spread over the ground floor of Aryabhatta Block with a 25,000 sqft built - up area. We have 10 Laboratories, 1 Laboratory exclusively for M. Tech programme.
To innovate processes to usher developments in Electrical & Electronics Engineering education, keeping excellence in focus and deliver quality services to match the needs of the technical education system, industry and society.
To enhance the quality of life of students through continuous learning, state-of-art technical education and long term value creation to meet the requirements and demands of the industry.
To inspire the students to create knowledge, generate ideas and accept the challenges to provide solution for societal needs. Empowering the students for a chosen professional career to enable them to emerge as the best quality human resource with exceptionally good language, communication and technical skills.