Dr. G Dhatri
Secretary & Correspondent
Dean,Traning and Plcement Cell
About Placement Cell
SBIT is one of the best engineering colleges in the state of Telangana providing on campus placement opportunities to the diploma, engineering graduates and post graduate students. The Training & Placement Cell of SBIT is very active and providing Campus Recruitment Training (CRT) to the budding engineers and MBAs to mould their career as per the requirement of the corporate world. In addition, TPO Cell also provides training on cutting-edge technologies to the students of different branches of engineering.
TPO Cell brings leading IT & ITES Companies, Manufacturing Industries, Product Development Companies and BPO organizations to the campus to provide placement opportunities to the students before they are leaving the portals of SBIT.
SBIT is the best engineering college in Khammam town and has been given highest priority by the Companies for their human resource recruitments. We are very proude to say that our students have been working with world class MNCs across the globe from the last 15 years. We have strengthen our alumni by placing them in world class MNCs. We have achieved above 80% placements record from the last few years.
It is our endeavor to ensure more quality placements and best-recruiting companies with high salary packages for our students at large in varied sectors and industries.
To impart quality training to the students with appropriate technical & softskills and make them to be employable in global industries.
- To train the students through CRT Programmes, workshops and awareness camps to inculcate industry desired skills essential for engineering professionals in IT & ITES industries / Entrepreneurship / higher education. To invite the Corporate Industries / Incubation Centers / Public Sectors for Campus Placements.